Saturday 22 August 2015

Room 14 'Takes a Stand'

Last week after the Football Tournament at Carrington Park our class decided to 'Take a Stand' against irresponsible dog owners who leave behind 'doggy do do's'. So we composed and sent a letter to the Carterton Council. Here is our letter.

Room 14
Carterton School
Holloway Street
Carterton 5713

20 August 2015

Dear Council

Lately at Carrington Park there has been a lot of dog faeces found as some dog owners are not picking up their dog's faeces. When there is dog faeces around, it makes it hard for students and the community to use the park.

Dog faeces can also be stood in and brought into the classrooms, toilets, peoples vehicles, the playground and the footpaths around our town.  It can also end up on clothing and children's bodies as they play sports.

In our school we use the park for games and sports events, so we use it regularly.  On Saturday mornings there are different sports such as football being played with, many people coming along to participate and watch.

Dog faeces is bad for our health and can cause people to get very ill because it’s full of horrible parasites. When it's on our shoes and clothing we smell bad and it's hard to get off. Dog faeces is also bad for the grass, It can burn it and discolour it, making our park unsightly to our community and any tourists stopping for a rest.

A few ideas for helping to stop this problem are adding another bin at the entrance from our school by the new path in front of the tennis courts.  Providing waste bags by all bins - these could be recycled plastic bags from the community and putting up signs about dog owners responsibilities and the consequences of them not being responsible dog owners.

We have researched the Dog Control Act 1996 and it clearly states that (iii) ‘ Imposing on the owners of dogs obligations to ensure that dogs do not cause a nuisance to any person and do not injure, endanger, or cause distress to any person’.  While we still want the park available for all of the community including dogs, we would really appreciate it if you could help keep our park beautiful for everyone.

Kind Regards

Room 14
Carterton School

Here are some photos we took today from the area in front of our school.
These were just a few.

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