Saturday 27 February 2016

Sleepover and Big Day Out

Team Kahikatea Sleepover and Big Day Out
Information Form - (Keep this) 
On Thursday 10 March, Team Kahikatea is having a school sleepover, followed by a ‘Big Day Out’ in Masterton on Friday.  The purpose for the event is to build positive relationships with other students and teachers across the team.  We hope that the children will take the time to enjoy each other’s company in a constructive and respectful manner. 

On the Thursday evening we invite whanau come along with their children and share some time with us. Bring your dinner or use our school BBQ to cook something up for tea, get to know other families, help put up the tents and have some fun.  The Hall and Rm 12 will be open for sleeping quarters or your child can bring along a tent, or tent with others.

On the following day, Friday 11 March, we will be travelling to Masterton for our Big Day Out.  This will include students choosing 1 activity out of Ten Pin Bowling, Skate Park, Mini Putt or Paddle Boats.  We will return just after lunch for a swim at the Carterton Pool.  We will require some whanau help and transport for this outing. We may have room for parent helpers on the buses, but if we are oversubscribed, some parents many need to travel in their cars.
Please complete the following form and return to school.
The Itinerary is as follows …..
· 6pm If you haven’t already had your dinner, bring it with you, help put up tents and have some fun together.  We will have a short presentation around 8pm in the hall showing what we are learning this term.  Bed by 10pm
· 7.30am... Breakfast
· Pack up tents, sleeping gear and make lunches for the day out. Lunch options will be provided.
· 9.10am...Depart school & travel to Masterton by bus.
· 9.30am…Morning Tea provided at the park.
· 9.45am...Walk around to Master Bowl bowling centre. Ten Pin bowling or stay at the park for Skate Park, Mini Putt and the Paddle Boats. [Students choice]
· 11.45am...Walk back to Queen Elizabeth Park. Have lunch and enjoy the children’s playground
· 12.30 / 1pm… Return to Carterton Pools by bus / private car
· 2.45 pm...Return to school.
Children will need: A drink bottle, suitable footwear for walking & socks (Need these for bowling), sunhat, warm top.  (Check the weather to see what will be appropriate that day.) Scooter or skateboard for skate park option.
We will be providing some breakfast options but feel free to bring your favourite cereal and all lunch items.
The total cost per student is [$15.00. Putt Putt]  [$16.00. Ten Pin] [$15.00 Paddle Boats] or [$11.00 Skate Park]  Please return your permission slip and payment ASAP to get your choice (Friday at latest).

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